Open Call: The Best Student Design-Build Projects

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ArchDaily organizza il 4° Open Call aperto ai migliori progetti di design di studenti.

When learning about architecture, there is no replacement for practical experience: seeing how materials can be joined together, how structural elements respond to the stresses placed upon them, or how construction techniques can alter the finished project. For this reason, it is a good idea to give students a chance for some hands-on experience building real structures—something that, due to budgetary constraints and the academic culture of many architecture schools, has sadly been uncommon in the past.

However, in recent years, this culture has started to shift, with increasing numbers of architecture schools finding ways for students to be involved in construction projects, from small, temporary interventions and pavilions, to larger permanent buildings. In order to show the excellent work that can be done in an educational context, for the fourth time ArchDaily is calling on students and professors to submit the design-build projects they have completed in the past year. As always, we’re teaming up with all of ArchDaily en Español, ArchDaily Brasil, and ArchDaily China, in the hope that we can present the best work from students worldwide to a worldwide audience. Read on to find out how you can take part.

Please use the form below to submit a Google Drive Folder containing images and a brief description of your project. Submissions close on Monday, July 23th at 12:00 pm ET.


  • Projects must be real-life construction projects (no unbuilt proposals).
  • Projects must have involved the work of students, and have been undertaken for educational purposes.
  • Projects must have been completed in the most recent graduation period for your country.
  • Submissions should be through Google Drive only.
  • Please set the permissions of the Google Drive Folder to “Anyone with the link can edit”
  • Images should be in jpeg or png format, and text in a Google Doc or Microsoft Word.
  • Please do not upload zipped files. We would like to be able to review your work online, without downloading.
  • Submissions that do not conform to these rules will not be considered for publication.


  • Individual images of your project are preferable to presentation boards.
  • We expect a high volume of submissions, so please make your written explanation as concise as possible.
  • Unless stated otherwise, we will attribute images as “courtesy of” the submitter. If your images should be attributed otherwise, please include a contact sheet in the folder with the necessary copyright details

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